As of December 1, 2024, I will no longer be available to work with individuals. It is not that I am stopping my Human Design work - it will simply move in a new direction with me being in my own flow and when the energy shows up - creativity happens. There is much still inside of me to share but that will be through books and videos and in the flow of this energy. I am excited about the next phase of my life.
I am grateful that I had the chance to meet and be with so many beautiful people over all these years both live and online. Ra would talk about fractal lines and how we each have our fractal line. I was for sure on Ra's fractal. And I truly love those of you who are and have been on my fractal.
I never expected to live the life since 1997 when Ra gave me my reading and told me to wait to respond! Wow! I never dreamed that something so simple could bring me to living what I am living now. It is not easy to honor strategy - especially as an adult. I have shared the first 10 years of my journey in "A Revolution of One". One thing that happened in the first 3 months of my experiment was the pouring out of poems. If you scroll down you will find one of those poems called "The Mystery of Waiting". A friend took those words and created a song. A few years back, I found images that touched me and a video was created. I hope you enjoy.
With loveMary Ann
With loveMary Ann
Human Design with Mary Ann the Simple is Profound
I had been searching since I turned 25 - that is over 50 years ago. It was through living my Human Design experiment that I found what I had been searching for. Me. For the past 25 years, I have taught Human Design, trained LYD Guides but mostly have offered live Immersions and workshops, online workshops and private sessions to help people live their design. I have stayed with the simple because it is what transformed me.
I am hoping to create a new website (one with automatic download) for when I am not available. But who knows when the energy for that will arrive! It may take a while for the new website to happen. I love waiting for the energy to show up. When it does - there is no effort. It is pure flow and it is magical.
Until that happens, please be aware that it can take time for me to send you the link for whatever you order! I may be in a different time zone or simply not on my computer. Though it rarely takes more than 24 hours.
On the other pages of this website, you will find information about some of what I have offered in the past and is now available in the webstore.
Videos for Your Experiment
Generator & Manifesting Generator Self-Discovery Exploration
Projector Self-ExplorationFour Self Awareness Exploration Exercises
2027 - Global Consciousness Program
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I had shared the poem I wrote before and it is part of my book "A Revolution of One". But the first time I played this as a song was for Jovian Archive Radio. Ra heard it and talked about it in a class he was teaching. Ra said: "Oh, I thought it was lovely. I had not heard that. It was terrific; he has a nice voice. I think she’s probably the best spokesperson right now that there is for the Generator process. Everybody approaches transformation in their life differently and I’ve watched her go through her whole process and I know how radical it was in the beginning. If there’s anybody who really understands what it takes to go through that process, she is it. Fortunately, she is somebody who is very articulate. She writes well; I like her writing. She writes very well. And I enjoyed these segments; I think they’re excellent."